One moment, you’re running across the field to score a touchdown and in the next, you’re lying on the ground in pain. Your ankle is throbbing and you can’t seem to stand up again. Seems like you’ll be out for the rest of the game.

After getting checked out by the doctor, you find out that you have a simple sprain. After a little rest and ice, you’ll be back on your feet in a matter of weeks. The solution might not be as simple next time.

Luckily for you, there’s a sports injury treatment method out there for any and every situation you may find yourself in as an athlete. Check out this guide to learn more.


RICE, also known as rest, ice, compress, and elevate, is the basic at-home treatment for sports injury. It should be implemented as soon as the injury happens to stop it from escalating any further.


For a long while, the site of the injury will be vulnerable to more issues. You don’t want to make matters worse by moving around a lot. Sit down and rest for a few hours when the injury happens to allow for the healing process to start.


Ice will be your best friend for the first day or two after you’re hurt. It helps keep the pain to a minimum and reduces any swelling you may be experiencing. You can create an ice pack to serve this purpose or even use a bag of frozen veggies.

Whatever you do, wrap the cold object in a cloth before you apply it to your skin. It may cause frostbite otherwise. Only keep the ice on your injury for 15-20 minutes at a time.


Wrapping the area in a tight bandage can keep it from swelling and be a gentle reminder for you to hold still. It will also provide a little bit of support when you do have to get up and move around.

Keep in mind that the bandage should be tight but it shouldn’t be uncomfortable. If the injured area starts to become numb take off the bandage and reapply it.


By elevating the injured area, you’ll be allowing any fluid to drain and prevent swelling. Try to keep your injury elevated above your heart. If that’s not possible it’s fine if it’s elevated to the same level as your heart.

If your lower region is the source of your ailment, sit on a pillow to keep it as elevated as you can.

2. Supplements

You can take over-the-counter pain pills after an injury to keep the pain at bay but they aren’t the best option available to you. They’ll make you feel better but the ingredients found in them tend to hinder the healing process.

Reach for natural supplements and herbs instead. They’ll be able to relieve your pain without putting a stop to your body’s natural healing ability.

Before buying any medication, flip the bottle over to look at the list of ingredients. If it contains a bunch of additives, put it back on the shelf. If you’re at a loss for what to buy, call your family doctor to get a bit of advice.

3. Don’t Perform Unnecessary Movements

There are times when you have to restrict your movements for weeks to avoid making your injury worse or causing permanent medical issues. Most of the time, these injuries will be placed in a cast, sling, or brace to restrict movement.

If this happens, your doctor will give you crutches and other aids so you can still get around until the injury has healed up all the way.

4. Physical Therapy

Getting sports injury help from an experienced physical therapist will allow you to work on getting your full range of movement back. Through exercises and stretches, they can help you improve your muscle strength and reduce your chances of falls until you get better.

The care won’t stop at the office. They’ll teach you a wide array of exercises that you can do at home to continue your healing process when you’re not with the therapist.

5. Chiropractor

A chiropractor can help you recover faster through different techniques. These techniques release pressure in your joints to reduce pain and inflammation.

By getting this process done on a normal basis and having your spine aligned properly, you can stop many sports injuries from happening in the first place. So, it’s a good idea to have a regular chiropractor on call.

6. Surgery

There are some injuries such as torn tissues that can only be fixed with the help of surgery. These injuries are rare for those who participate in lighter sports but for competitive, high contact sports, they’re more common than not.

Most of the time, the doctor won’t have to completely open up the area to perform the surgery and you can bounce back after a bit of rest and physical therapy.

Preventing Further Injury

Of course, the best way to take care of a sports injury is to stop it from happening in the first place. Always take the time to warm-up before any game or practice session.

Wear clothes that fit you well. If your shoes are too tight or too loose, you may seriously hurt your ankle, for example.

At the end of the day, remember not to overdo it. If you let yourself get too fatigued, your concentration will waver which makes it more likely for you to make a tragic mistake on the field.

Sports Injury Treatment Options You Should Be Aware of

Participating in a sport is a great way to meet new people and have a ton of fun. In high contact sports, there’s always the chance for getting hurt though. When that happens, it’s important to be familiar with all the sports injury treatment options available to you so you can heal up and get back on the field.

If you’re looking for a non-invasive solution to your injury, chiropractic treatment will be just what the doctor ordered. Go here to set up an appointment with us today.

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