Pain in the neck isn’t just a figure of speech. Up to two-thirds of young adults experience neck pain in any given year. 

Neck pain can impede a person’s ability to work and limit their mobility. Yet basic steps can help you limit or eliminate your pain. 

What should you do when you are sitting or sleeping? How should you stretch and maneuver your neck? What are some medical conditions that could cause your pain? 

Answer these questions and you can be free of neck pain in little time. Here are nine neck pain relief tips you can follow.

1. Sit In a Good Chair

Many people hunch forward so they can reach objects in front of them. An easy way to avoid hunching forward is to slide your chair underneath your desk so you can reach everything.

But a big problem is the chair itself. Many people cannot maintain their postures in their seats or find their headrests too uncomfortable. 

If you work in a sedentary job, you should find a seat that will give you plenty of support. Get one with a headrest that you can put your head against. Prop your back against the back of your seat so your spine remains straight and you don’t slouch over. 

2. Avoid Neck Strain

You should find every opportunity to avoid straining your neck. Do not lean forward or lean back aggressively. 

Many people lean forward to look at their phones. If you must use your phone, hold it up in front of your face so you don’t crane your neck. Hold your phone horizontally so the details on it are easier to see.

When you have to bend down to pick something up, bend your shoulders and knees more than your neck. Try to keep your neck straight without tilting your head forward.

3. Adjust Your Sleeping Position

Your sleeping position can have a significant impact on your back, neck, and shoulders. If your neck sags, your muscles can tear and your nerves can get pinched. But if your mattress is too firm against your body, it may be hard for you to sleep. 

Consider the time of day when you experience neck pain, back pain, or shoulder pain. If you feel pain in the morning, you may need to adjust how you sleep. 

Sleep on your back with your neck and spine as straight as possible. You can tuck a pillow under your back to keep your spine straight.

4. Sleep on a Good Pillow

You should find a good pillow to support your head. Experiment with a few different pillows at a mattress store near you. 

Memory foam pillows can offer a lot of support. The foam adjusts to your sleeping position and body shape through time, helping to keep your spine straight.

Feel free to get more than one pillow. You may move around in your sleep, causing your head to roll off your pillow. Put two pillows side by side so you always have support for your neck.

5. Stretch Your Neck

Try to stretch your neck every two hours or so. You don’t have to stretch your neck too much, but little stretches can build muscle and reduce pain. 

Chin tucks are a simple stretch that helps keep the spine aligned. Sit upright with your ears over your shoulders, then put a finger on your shin. Pull your chin and head back until you feel a stretch in your neck and then hold for several seconds.

6. Ease Trigger-Point Pain

Your facet joints lie on your vertebrae. They let your spine extend and flex while preventing your vertebrae from slipping out of place. Irritation to your joints can cause trigger-point pain, which is muscle pain that radiates through your neck. 

The best way to ease this pain is to massage your neck. You can roll a piece of foam back and forth across your trigger points until the pain eases. You can also rub your fingertips on the areas where you experience pain.

Facet joint disease is a chronic condition that can cause intense neck and back pain. If you have intense pain, you should talk to your doctor about the disease.  

7. Carry Weight Across Your Body

It is okay to use a messenger bag or purse. But you should not put your bag on one shoulder and forget about it. 

Try to switch between both shoulders so you avoid straining one side of your body. You can otherwise carry your belongings in your hands. 

If possible, switch to a backpack. Carrying your weight on your back will distribute the weight across both sides of your body.

8. Ease Mental Stress

Mental stress can make your pain worse and impede neck pain relief. You should find ways to cope with stress, including the stress that comes from your pain. 

Journaling is an easy way to get pent-up emotions out of you. Write down a journal entry every day and describe your thoughts and feelings. 

If you need to talk to someone, you can find a psychologist. You can also talk to your personal doctor about steps you can take to cope with stress.

9. Talk to a Chiropractor

Chiropractors can offer you numerous services for your neck pain. Spinal manipulation lets you move your joints and massage your muscles. It is a good option for people who have nerve problems in their neck and upper back. 

You can also receive massage therapy. A therapist can manipulate your soft tissues to restore blood flow to damaged areas. 

Fight Against Neck Pain

Neck pain doesn’t have to be a feature of your life. Sit in a supportive chair and avoid straining your neck downward. Sleep with your back and neck straight using firm pillows. 

Stretch your neck to avoid muscle cramps. Massage your trigger points if your pain gets intense and radiates through your neck.

Carry weight on both sides of your body with a backpack. Soothe your mind so your stress does not add to your physical pain. 

When you need help, find a chiropractor near you. The Spine Center serves Las Vegas residents. Contact us today.

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