Lower back pain is more common than you might think. In fact, low back pain causes more global disabilities than any other condition. About 25% of US adults report experiencing lower back pain in the last three months.

Though a chiropractor can help by treating back pain, they’ll need to determine what type of pain you’re in first.

Here are five different types of back pain you might experience in life. Learning about the different kinds of back pain can help you determine the type of treatment you need. Easing your pain symptoms could improve your quality of life.

Otherwise, you might find it difficult to work, play with your kids, or enjoy other activities.

Don’t let back pain slow you down! Instead, keep reading to learn more about five different kinds of back pain today.

  1. Flexion Dominant Back Pain

Flexion Dominant back pain usually develops when you injure a disc. You might experience symptoms such as:

  • Pain that gets worse when you lift, sit, or bend
  • Pain symptoms that improve when you stand or walk for a short period of time
  • Leg pain or weakness
  • Spine pain
  • Tingling or numbness
  • Loss of range of motion

Schedule an appointment with your local chiropractor if you experience these back pain symptoms. They can develop a treatment plan based on your unique needs. For example, your chiropractor might recommend directional exercises and stretches.

You can perform a series of stretches throughout the day to ease your pain and improve your range of motion. You should feel more flexible after working through your stretches.

For example, your chiropractor might recommend repeated extensions of your lumbar spine. The stretches they choose can vary based on your back pain symptoms.

Your chiropractor might recommend hands-on, manual therapy, too. A spinal adjustment can improve your spine’s range of motion. It could ease your pain symptoms as well.

Some patients also consider:

  • Spinal mobility exercises
  • Core muscle strength training
  • Proper lifting and squatting techniques
  • Ergonomic changes to their workstation to improve their posture
  • Hip muscle strengthening and stretching

Creating a customized treatment plan can help you relieve different types of back pain.

  1. Extension Dominant Back Pain

There are joints at the back of your spine called zygapophyseal joints. If you develop pain in these joints, you might experience Extension Dominant pain. You might experience symptoms such as:

  • Temporary pain relief when you sit or bend
  • Pain after standing up for an extended period of time
  • Pain after high impact activities
  • Localized spinal pain
  • Tingling, numbness, or pain in the legs
  • Stiffness

Talk to your chiropractor if you experience these types of back pain. They can help you find ways to reduce pressure on your spine. Manual therapy could help ease your pain.

Otherwise, consider strengthening your core and maintaining good hip mobility. You can also use abdominal stabilizing exercises to ease your pain symptoms.

  1. Neurogenic Claudication

Neurogenic claudication usually impacts patients who are older in age. This type of back pain occurs when you stand or walk. Your nerves could become compressed, causing:

  • Pain, tingling, or cramping in the lower back
  • Weakness or heaviness in the legs
  • Pain, tingling, or cramping in the legs, hips, or buttocks
  • Symptoms that get worse when standing or walking

Spinal stenosis, or a narrowing of the spinal canal, can cause neurogenic claudication to occur. The spinal canal can narrow as you experience arthritic changes to your lower spine. For example:

  • Bulging discs
  • Overgrowth of bone spurs
  • Thickening of ligaments

Sometimes, sitting down or flexing forward can ease your back pain symptoms. The pain might get worse when you stand or walk.

You can use flexion-based stretches throughout the day. Temporarily reducing your walking distances might help as well.

Your chiropractor might recommend training and exercises to reduce pelvic anterior tilt.

If your symptoms are more intense, however, you might require surgery. For example, a microdiscectomy might relieve pain from a herniated disc. However, you might benefit more from a laminectomy (removing part of a bone) instead.

  1. Regular chiropractic care might help you avoid surgery altogether. Speak with your chiropractor about treating back pain symptoms. They can develop a back pain treatment plan with your goals and needs in mind.
  1. Chronic Disorders

If you’re experiencing different types of back pain over time, you might have a chronic pain disorder.

About 65 million Americans have reported recent episodes of back pain. About 16 million adults experience persistent, chronic symptoms. Their chronic back pain could limit their ability to complete certain daily activities.

Health care costs and indirect costs due to back pain have reached over $12 billion per year as a result. Meanwhile, we lose about 83 million days of work due to back pain each year.

Your pain might migrate and impact other parts of your body. Your symptoms could vary as a result. Without treatment, you might develop anxiety and depression as well.

If you experience back pain symptoms, don’t wait to seek treatment. Otherwise, these kinds of back pain could impact your quality of life. Instead, talk to your chiropractor about long-term care.

You can develop a back pain treatment plan to ease your pain symptoms over time.

  1. Inflammatory Back Pain

Inflammation is the body’s natural response to illness or injury. Too much inflammation, however, can cause painful symptoms. You could develop inflammatory back pain as a result.

Inflammatory back pain can persist for more than three months. Your stiffness and pain could get worse with immobility. You might notice your symptoms are worse at night.

Symptoms might feel less intense after gentle exercise or physical activity. Anti-inflammatory medications might help as well.

You can schedule a spinal adjustment to ease the inflammation. Otherwise, you might need imaging testing to rule out an underlying condition.

Ease Away the Pain: 5 Types of Back Pain That Require Care

Don’t live your life in pain! If you experience these types of back pain, consult your chiropractor right away. They’ll help develop a back pain treatment plan with your needs in mind.

With chiropractic care, you can ease the pain and get back to your life.

Want to discuss these different kinds of back pain with a professional? We’re here to help. Contact us today to get started.